2024 Blossom Buddy Sponsors


Kyle Boggs
Van Doren Sales
Aaron & Erin Kelly
Al & Sandy Schuster
Alex Haley
All About Coasters & Canvas Kyle & Amy McCubbin
Anthony Grande
Antles Pollen Supplies, Inc.
Appleland Pest Control & Home Inspection
Ashley Sinner
Avalon Music
Be Well Stay Well
Benchmark Jewelers
Blewett Brewing
Bob & Janet Rust
Bob & Vicki Sebeck
Brooke Murray & Sue Murray
Bruce Cheadle
Bryan & Jody Campbell
Café Mela
Candy Armstrong
Carlson & McMahon PLLC
Chelan County PUD Discovery Center
Classy Chassis Parade-East Wenatchee
Columbia Valley Brewery
Cosinas Carpet Cleaning
Daryl & Mona Ferguson
Dave & Sandy Gellatly
David & Kristin Lodge
Davis Furniture
Don & Renae Lau
Dustin & Sarah Johnson
Elaina Day
Eric & Joanne Thielen
Erlandsen & Assoc. Land Surveyors
Ernie & Ashley Garza
Glaze Bakery
Gold Construction
Greg Brown
Highgate at Wenatchee Senior Living
Integrity Piercing

J Kramer & Associates
J&K Earthworks
Jade Sherrell
Jaime Evans
Jason & Angie Throneberry
JB Marketing Group
Jeff & Amy Kimball
Jeff & Kari Tontini
Jeff & Kim Bryant
Joe & Ann Gaspers
John & Tammy Doyle
John White
Jones & Jones, Betts Funeral Home
Katie Handley
Kaytie Crandell
Kerri Wendell/DoTERRA Essential Oils
Kevin & Gretchen Fenton
Kevin & Lynn Love
Kevin Kennedy
Keyhole Security
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast
Kyle & Katherine Peterson
Law Office of Tony DiTommaso
Leavenworth Ziplines
Marcus Foster
Mary Joy
Marylin Young
Megan Sand
Mikael Gavin
Mikes Meat and Seafood
Mountain Springs Lodge
Music Theatre of Wenatchee
Musica Theatre of Wenatchee-Shrek
Northwest Wholesale
Numerica Credit Union
Ogden, Murphy, Wallace
Ohme Garden Country Park
Orchard Corset
Pam VanWinkle
Pat Neumann
Patti Cartmill
Peet Plumbing
Pro Touch Massage-Kathy Gavin
Residence Inn

Rich & Pat Lynn
Richard & Jackie Seale
Rocky Reach Dam Tour
Roger & Betty Bryant
Rolfe & Pat Ogle
Ron Stone
Rosa Pulido
Ruben Bentancourt
Sally Vradenburg In Memory of Gale Vradenburg
Salon PURE/Chelan Glam Calllie Smith
Sandy Pollock
Shayne Sasseen
Smithson Insurance Services, Inc
Stand Against Racism
Standard Paint & Flooring
Steve & Tammy DeCamp
Steven Kuntz
Sue Gavin
Susan Mullen
T Mobile
The Wenatchee Downtown Kiwanis
Theresa Ogan
Tim & Sherri Burris
Todd & Deborah Straham
Tom & Connie VanWell
Tom & Leah Robbins
Tom Clark
Tom Paul
Tour D Bloom
Trina Damish DeCamp
Two Rivers Medieval Faire
Tyler & Claire Cook
Vintage Grace Market
Wenatchee Confluence Health Run
Wenatchee Education Assoc.
Wenatchee sunris Rotary-Road Apple Roulette
Wendy Skalisky
Western Market
Wild Birds Unlimited
Will Person

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