FESTIVAL 2025 : APRIL 24 - MAY 4
“The Best Time Ever”

The Applarians provide the $10,000 Apple Blossom Queen’s Scholarship!!

2025 Chancellor Linda Herald and her husband David

2025 Applarian Chancellor
Linda Herald

David I are honored to represent the Wenatchee Applarians and welcome you to the 106th year of the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival. The Wenatchee Applarians are the official hosting organization for the cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee.  Our members are a diverse group of men and women whose common bond is a love of community and a passion to support and showcase the Apple Blossom Festival and our beautiful valley.  Applarians take great pride in hosting the Apple Blossom Festival “Hospitality Weekend” and escorting the visiting floats as they journey along our parade route. It is a tradition in which we are honored to take part.

Each year the Applarians provide an educational scholarship for our Apple Blossom Queen. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Apple Blossom Festival, the Applarians proudly increased the Queen’s scholarship to $10,000. 

Applarians also act as ambassadors, traveling to other festivals throughout Washington, Oregon, and Canada to accompany our Royalty and their float in these wonderful parades and cities. 


Applarian Mission Statement

To assist the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Association in representing the Greater Wenatchee Valley in community festivals and other events.
To invest in capital improvements to benefit the Apple Blossom Festival, including contributing to the annual scholarship for the Festival Royalty.
To be the official hosting organization for the Cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee, and the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival.

What it means to be an Applarian

Being an Applarian gives one the satisfaction of contributing to the most significant activity of the Wenatchee Area. To be an Ambassador for the community both at home and away demonstrates the willingness to support that which is worthwhile, while becoming acquainted with others who are not regularly met in one's daily routine, whether it be in the valley or elsewhere, as representatives of the community. Through the giving of time, energy, and financial support there comes a good feeling of being a part of making the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival, it's Royalty, and the Wenatchee Valley Area something very special.

What is an Applarian

Applarians represent a cross section of the men and women of the Wenatchee Area, all dedicated to the purpose of supporting the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival as Ambassadors both in the community and elsewhere while visiting other community activities. An Applarian is a willing worker to make visitors feel welcome, whether at Apple Blossom time or on other occasions of importance. It is being willing to provide scholarships to the Apple Blossom Festival Royalty to show appreciation for their service to the Wenatchee Area and the Festival.

History of the Applarians

Early in 1958, R.F. Jones and A.A. Morrison along with several other leaders in the Wenatchee business and professional community saw a need for an organization to support the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival, particularly in the event that it sustained a major financial loss due to weather. The organization of the Applarians was the result, and was patterned after, the Portland Rosarians. Other activities were soon added including providing transportation for the float and accompanying the Royalty to over 25 festivals, hosting festival groups and other visitors, attending out-of-town banquets and, more recently, underwriting scholarships for the Apple Blossom Festival Royalty.

Applarian Obligations

To actively participate in Applarian functions and on committees when possible, especially during the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival.  To attend at least one or more out-of-town packet and/or non-packet festivals during the year as part of an official Applarian delegation.

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